13 August 2015
is normally the case for those returning from holidays, Chocolate Bunny has had
to catch up on some washing. His pilgrimage to the Heart of the Golden West was
all he had hoped for and more. As is his wont, he excitedly recounted his exploits,
for the benefit of the chickens, virtually without drawing breath – no mean
feat for an asthmatic rabbit. He described in minute detail every aspect of his
trip. The highlight was a visit from an artist who had been inspired to paint
him atop a mound of Easter eggs (Choccy refrained from telling her that whilst
he very much liked the painting, he would have preferred to be placed amidst a
mountain of bananas).
their new, kindly, communal way of life, the chickens listened politely until
their eyes glazed over and their combs drooped . At the point where Choccy
brandished the i-phone to show pictures of his meals that he hadn’t got around
to posting on Facebook (think views of parsley and basil at various jaunty
angles), they were forced to find excuses
to leave - such as a pressing need to go and moult. It took Choccy some hours
of rabbiting on to notice that he had an audience of approximately none.