Thursday, 24 March 2016

Home is where the heart is

25 March 2015

Chocolate Bunny quite likes his new sign, but suggests it would more appropriately be placed on the front door of the Joyfallee house. 

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Lateral thinker

21 March 2015

Hildegarde von Joyfallee is putting her skills learnt while practising to be a chicken spy to good use. She often manages to remain unobserved by her friends to scoff up the random pile of oats that descends on occasion from the heavens, thus avoiding the melee over the more obvious oats in a cup (a tussle from which she inevitably emerges the loser). To assist in her task she whispers a mantra that she is rather proud to have invented, lending heavily on ideas she picked up while reading about Arya in The Game of Thrones: “Black as a shadow, still as a salad sandwich, quiet as a feather duster”. 

Her invisibility-cloak-like ability doesn’t always stand her in good stead, however, and oftentimes sees her being trampled in a rush of chicken feet when the oat cup is emptied and the oat pile discovered.

Sunday, 13 March 2016


6 March 2015

For the very latest in décor, it’s hard to go past the rabbit cushion as a must-have, up-to-the-minute lounge accessory. Rumour has it that contestants on the Block have snapped these up for their secret weapon room reveals. 

Friday, 4 March 2016

Top Brass

1 March 2015

The newly self-appointed CEO has declared Joyfallee a Banana Republic. He is not quite up to speed with the meaning of the term, but firmly believes that anything involving bananas has to be good.