23 April 2014

to work, spot lorikeet in the middle of the road. Stop to investigate, expecting
to see a squashed body. Relieved to find a dazed and disoriented but otherwise
undamaged little fellow. Pick him up and wrap him in a T-Shirt. Look up nearby
vet hospital. Congratulate self on being able to do this on the Joyfallee iphone
(borrowed for the day from Chocolate Bunny). Arrive at destination and unable
to locate said vet hospital. Resort to phoning vet hospital for
directions(again congratulating self on use of up-to-the-minute
phone-number-finding technology). Arrive at vet hospital, that I have passed at
least twice, with large sign outside saying “VET” (self-congratulations now not
so forthcoming on ability to navigate in the modern world). Attempt to pick up
Lorrie who, until this moment has been lying still and quiet, upon which Lorrie
bursts into life, squawking and flapping and escapes inside the car. Spend next
10 minutes sideways, upside down and in other various ungainly positions trying
to catch Lorrie, who manages to make his way up into small lorikeet-only
accessible crevice amongst wires under the console. In attempt to catch Lorrie
and not hurt him, manage to pull out tail feathers. Cry. Catch disgruntled
Lorrie. Take Lorrie into vet hospital and explain that he did in fact, until
quite recently, have a full complement of tail feathers and is not a “runner”.
It is agreed he is probably dazed from flying into a car and is likely to make
a full recovery and be released. Continue on to work…late…sigh.