Friday, 17 April 2015

Carrot overload

1 January 2014

Having gained access throughout the Christmas period to Willo’s stash of beta-carotene, Chocolate Bunny rather regrets his over indulgence. He is, therefore, starting the new year by working on his pilates moves. He’s having a bit of trouble with the big inflatable ball and is thinking of using the iphone to contact the pilates guru (Rebecca Ashton you know who you are) for some tips on how to avoid ending up upside down, pinned under said ball. 

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Rare and unusual creatures

24 December 2013

The Christmas reindeer has made his annual and colourful pilgrimage to Joyfallee - hooray!!

Sunday, 5 April 2015

In the driver's seat

17 December 2013
Chocolate Bunny decided that the home office management needed a revamp and set himself up to take over the reins. But once in the chair, he was immediately distracted by the thrills of internet surfing, found himself on a discount banana warehouse site, and ordered 6,000 tons of bananas to be delivered by express post. He is now excitedly checking the letter box at approximately 10 minute intervals. 

Christmas decorations

24 November 2014

In a shock of red and green, like Christmas sentinels, or decorations on a Christmas tree, a pair of king parrots arrive, alight and abseil down the branches to the holy grail of the seed assortment laid out for their pleasure. 

Thursday, 2 April 2015


10 December 2013

Chocolate Bunny is very taken with his new-found friend. He does, however, get the impression that his latest best mate may not be the sharpest tool in the shed. He has tried valiantly to teach him the basics of rabbit show jumping, to no avail. Choccy, being a rabbit of unbounded optimism, remains undaunted, and intends to try enticing his little buddy with the irresistible lure of banana, sure in the belief that this method cannot fail. We will watch the progress with interest.